The Captain William J. Kossler Award this year went overseas for the first time, Recipient was KLM Noordzee Helikopters (North Sea Helicopters), a wholly-owned subsidiary of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Noordzee Helikopters Deputy Managing Director R. J. van der Harten, left, was present to receive the honor, a certificate, for the development of IFR and approach capabilities to serve North Sea oil rigs and provide harbor pilot service to ships on a 24-hours basis.

AHS' (now VFS) 27th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 19-21, 1971 at Washington, D.C., USA

Kossler Award to KLM Noordzee Helicopters


The Captain William J. Kossler Award this year went overseas for the first time, Recipient was KLM Noordzee Helikopters (North Sea Helicopters), a wholly-owned subsidiary of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Noordzee Helikopters Deputy Managing Director R. J. van der Harten, left, was present to receive the honor, a certificate, for the development of IFR and approach capabilities to serve North Sea oil rigs and provide harbor pilot service to ships on a 24-hours basis.

AHS' (now VFS) 27th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 19-21, 1971 at Washington, D.C., USA

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Added to Forum 27, 1971 and categorized in 1 year ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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