G. J. Galerstein chairs the Product Liability Panel at the Forum. Photo showing an instance from inside the hall. This panel discussions covered the law about Product Liability, as it stands today and what is right with it and what is wrong with it. From the panel, James FitzSimons, Lee Krelndler, L. S. Carsey, and Robert Martin also came with helpful talks about this law, recommended procedures to be followed to protect from product liability suits.

AHS' (now VFS) 35th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 21-23, 1979 at Washington, D.C., USA

Product Liability Panel


G. J. Galerstein chairs the Product Liability Panel at the Forum. Photo showing an instance from inside the hall. This panel discussions covered the law about Product Liability, as it stands today and what is right with it and what is wrong with it. From the panel, James FitzSimons, Lee Krelndler, L. S. Carsey, and Robert Martin also came with helpful talks about this law, recommended procedures to be followed to protect from product liability suits.

AHS' (now VFS) 35th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 21-23, 1979 at Washington, D.C., USA

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Added to Forum 35 Awards 1979 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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