The Gruppo Agusta International Helicopter Fellowship Award presented to The Black Hawk Individual Blade Control Team at annual Forum 59 in 2003. Gilles Ouimet congratulated the representatives of the team - Tom Norman, NASA Ames Research Center; Gary deSimone, Dr. Andy Bernhard and Dr. Michael Torok of Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. ; Patrick Shinoda, US Army Aeroflightdynamics Directorate and Dr. Axel Heber, ZF Luftfahrttechnik ZmbH.

Forum 59, May 6-8, 2003, Phoenix, Arizona USA

The Gruppo Agusta International Helicopter Fellowship to The Black Hawk Team


The Gruppo Agusta International Helicopter Fellowship Award presented to The Black Hawk Individual Blade Control Team at annual Forum 59 in 2003. Gilles Ouimet congratulated the representatives of the team - Tom Norman, NASA Ames Research Center; Gary deSimone, Dr. Andy Bernhard and Dr. Michael Torok of Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. ; Patrick Shinoda, US Army Aeroflightdynamics Directorate and Dr. Axel Heber, ZF Luftfahrttechnik ZmbH.

Forum 59, May 6-8, 2003, Phoenix, Arizona USA


Added to Forum 59 Awards 2003 and categorized in 1 year ago


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