The Paul E. Haueter Award winner this year was William Quinlan of Bell Helicopters Textron. In photo, Charles Rudning of Bell Helicopter Textron accepts the Paul Haueter Award on behalf of William Quinlan, who was unable to attend. President Hirsh (left) and Board Chairman Zincone assist.

AHS (now VFS) 43rd Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 18-20, 1987 at St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Haueter Award to William Quinlan


The Paul E. Haueter Award winner this year was William Quinlan of Bell Helicopters Textron. In photo, Charles Rudning of Bell Helicopter Textron accepts the Paul Haueter Award on behalf of William Quinlan, who was unable to attend. President Hirsh (left) and Board Chairman Zincone assist.

AHS (now VFS) 43rd Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 18-20, 1987 at St. Louis, Missouri, USA

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Added to Forum 43 Awards, 1987 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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