Mrs. Eller, Society's 2nd full-time employee, known to hundreds of AHS members as "Zell," was escorted to the head table by AHS Executive Director Harry M. Lounsbury for the presentation of a plaque. In photo, "Zell" Eller (left) and Awards Chairman Frederick W. Garry display the plaque honoring her for more than 20 years' service to the Society.

AHS' (now VFS) 30th Annual National Forum held May 7-9, 1974 at Washington, D. C. USA

Special Honors to Gizella E. Eller


Mrs. Eller, Society's 2nd full-time employee, known to hundreds of AHS members as "Zell," was escorted to the head table by AHS Executive Director Harry M. Lounsbury for the presentation of a plaque. In photo, "Zell" Eller (left) and Awards Chairman Frederick W. Garry display the plaque honoring her for more than 20 years' service to the Society.

AHS' (now VFS) 30th Annual National Forum held May 7-9, 1974 at Washington, D. C. USA

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Added to Forum 30, 1974 and categorized in 1 year ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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