The Grover E. Bell Award was presented to the Sikorsky Aircraft Div. of United Technologies Corp, the ABC Team, for the development of the advancing blade concept research helicopter. The success of this concept opens the potential of applying lifting rotors to much higher speeds and load factors than has been heretofore possible. In photo, Sikorsky Aircraft President Gerald J. Tobias accepting the Bell Award on behalf of the ABC Team.

AHS' (now VFS) 32nd Annual National Forum held May 10-12, 1976 at Washington, D.C. USA

Bell Award to ABC Team from Sikorsky Aircraft Div.


The Grover E. Bell Award was presented to the Sikorsky Aircraft Div. of United Technologies Corp, the ABC Team, for the development of the advancing blade concept research helicopter. The success of this concept opens the potential of applying lifting rotors to much higher speeds and load factors than has been heretofore possible. In photo, Sikorsky Aircraft President Gerald J. Tobias accepting the Bell Award on behalf of the ABC Team.

AHS' (now VFS) 32nd Annual National Forum held May 10-12, 1976 at Washington, D.C. USA

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Added to Forum 32, 1976 and categorized in 1 year ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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