Honorary Fellowship award to Harry T. Jensen, vice president-Engineering, Sikorsky Aircraft, for his pioneering effort in fail-safe criteria for design of fatigue-loaded helicopter structures, and for his leadership in development of the BIM system for inspection of main rotor blades. In photo, a congratulatory handshake from Board/Awards Chairman James F. Atkins to Harry T. Jensen, right.

AHS' (now VFS) 31st Annual National Forum held May 13-15, 1975 at Washington, D.C. USA

Honorary Fellowship to Harry T. Jensen


Honorary Fellowship award to Harry T. Jensen, vice president-Engineering, Sikorsky Aircraft, for his pioneering effort in fail-safe criteria for design of fatigue-loaded helicopter structures, and for his leadership in development of the BIM system for inspection of main rotor blades. In photo, a congratulatory handshake from Board/Awards Chairman James F. Atkins to Harry T. Jensen, right.

AHS' (now VFS) 31st Annual National Forum held May 13-15, 1975 at Washington, D.C. USA

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Added to Forum 31, 1975 and categorized in 1 year ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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