The Dr. Alexander Klemin Award recipient this year, Kenneth B. Amer, technical director for Hughes Helicopters, was lauded by Awards Chairman Stuelpnagel (left), for his many contributions to helicopter technology. Ken was selected in recognition of his 30 years of contributions to the helicopter field in such areas as handling quality, vibration control, noise reduction, lightweight-design technology. His work has become a significant part of the rotorcraft technical base. All Forum photos courtesy Sikorsky Aircraft unless otherwise credited.

AHS' (now VFS) 32nd Annual National Forum held May 10-12, 1976 at Washington, D.C. USA

Klemin Award winner Kenneth B. Amer


The Dr. Alexander Klemin Award recipient this year, Kenneth B. Amer, technical director for Hughes Helicopters, was lauded by Awards Chairman Stuelpnagel (left), for his many contributions to helicopter technology. Ken was selected in recognition of his 30 years of contributions to the helicopter field in such areas as handling quality, vibration control, noise reduction, lightweight-design technology. His work has become a significant part of the rotorcraft technical base. All Forum photos courtesy Sikorsky Aircraft unless otherwise credited.

AHS' (now VFS) 32nd Annual National Forum held May 10-12, 1976 at Washington, D.C. USA

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Added to Forum 32, 1976 and categorized in 1 year ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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