Since first running of the 31-in-long powerplant in June, 1972, the engine now is near FAA certification. Total running time is expected to reach 4000 hours. Initial production deliveries are targeted for 1975. The turboshaft design has been rated as ideally suited to single-engine helicopters in the 4000-Ib gr wt category and to twin-engine helicopters in the 6000-lb gr wt class.

From Vertiflite, January/February 1974 (page 10).

First flight of Avco Lycoming LTS 101 engine (in a BelI 206A JetRanger, N1366X) (9 26 73)


Since first running of the 31-in-long powerplant in June, 1972, the engine now is near FAA certification. Total running time is expected to reach 4000 hours. Initial production deliveries are targeted for 1975. The turboshaft design has been rated as ideally suited to single-engine helicopters in the 4000-Ib gr wt category and to twin-engine helicopters in the 6000-lb gr wt class.

From Vertiflite, January/February 1974 (page 10).

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