The Frederick L. Feinberg Award presented to Ray Eche, Doug Pense, and Dave Wright of Era Aviation. Chairman Snyder offered an overview of the heroic rescue of three men in the Beaufort Sea by them. Pictured from left to right are Webb Joiner, Doug Pense, Dave Wright and Era Aviation president Charles W. Johnson.

American Helicopter Society's (now Vertical Flight Society) 51st Annual Forum and Technology Display at Fort Worth, Texas, May 9-11, 1995.

Feinberg Award to Doug Pense, Ray Eche and Dave Wright


The Frederick L. Feinberg Award presented to Ray Eche, Doug Pense, and Dave Wright of Era Aviation. Chairman Snyder offered an overview of the heroic rescue of three men in the Beaufort Sea by them. Pictured from left to right are Webb Joiner, Doug Pense, Dave Wright and Era Aviation president Charles W. Johnson.

American Helicopter Society's (now Vertical Flight Society) 51st Annual Forum and Technology Display at Fort Worth, Texas, May 9-11, 1995.

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Added to Forum 51 Awards 1995 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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