AHS Honorary Fellowship awarded to Gary P. Smith, Sikorsky aircraft Corporation, for his contributions towards furthering the goals of the American Helicopter Society. Webb Joiner, then president of the Society honors Gary P. Smith (left) in the photo.

American Helicopter Society's (now Vertical Flight Society) 51st Annual Forum and Technology Display, Fort Worth, Texas, May 9-11, 1995.

AHS Honorary Fellowship to Gary P. Smith


AHS Honorary Fellowship awarded to Gary P. Smith, Sikorsky aircraft Corporation, for his contributions towards furthering the goals of the American Helicopter Society. Webb Joiner, then president of the Society honors Gary P. Smith (left) in the photo.

American Helicopter Society's (now Vertical Flight Society) 51st Annual Forum and Technology Display, Fort Worth, Texas, May 9-11, 1995.

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Added to Forum 51 Awards 1995 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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