20 of the 25 VFF Scholarship Winners were recognized in person during the 74th Annual Grand Awards Banquet. The Vertical Flight Society provided at total of $90,000 in scholarships in 2018. Dan Newman, the VFF Selection Committee Chair stands in the middle. VFS photo by Kenneth Krehbiel, May 16, 2018.

2018 VFF scholarship winners (with Dan Newman, center)


20 of the 25 VFF Scholarship Winners were recognized in person during the 74th Annual Grand Awards Banquet. The Vertical Flight Society provided at total of $90,000 in scholarships in 2018. Dan Newman, the VFF Selection Committee Chair stands in the middle. VFS photo by Kenneth Krehbiel, May 16, 2018.


Added to Forum 74 Awards and categorized in 6 years ago


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