Roberto Garavaglia (right), Senior Vice President, Competitive Analysis & Strategy for Leonardo Helicopters and the incoming VFS Board Chair presents the honorary gavel to David Koopersmith (left), Vice President & General Manager of Boeing Vertical Lift, as a token of gratitude for his role as the VFS Chair of the Board, 2017-2018. VFS photo by Kenneth Krehbiel, May 16, 2018. CC BY-SA 3.0

Koopersmith given the outgoing Chair honorary gavel


Roberto Garavaglia (right), Senior Vice President, Competitive Analysis & Strategy for Leonardo Helicopters and the incoming VFS Board Chair presents the honorary gavel to David Koopersmith (left), Vice President & General Manager of Boeing Vertical Lift, as a token of gratitude for his role as the VFS Chair of the Board, 2017-2018. VFS photo by Kenneth Krehbiel, May 16, 2018. CC BY-SA 3.0


Added to Forum 74 Awards and categorized in 6 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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