The Captain William J. Kossler Award, presented to "The United States Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and civilian organizations and to those individuals who participated in the numerous rescues and supply and resupply missions during the disastrous floods in the Northwestern United States in December, 1964."
In photo, the award was accepted by V/ADM. W. D. Shields, (left), Assistant Commandant, USCG.

AHS (now VFS) 21st Annual National Forum held May 12-14, 1965 at Washington, D.C., USA

Kossler Award accepted by V/ADM. W. D. Shields


The Captain William J. Kossler Award, presented to "The United States Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and civilian organizations and to those individuals who participated in the numerous rescues and supply and resupply missions during the disastrous floods in the Northwestern United States in December, 1964."
In photo, the award was accepted by V/ADM. W. D. Shields, (left), Assistant Commandant, USCG.

AHS (now VFS) 21st Annual National Forum held May 12-14, 1965 at Washington, D.C., USA

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Added to Forum 21, 1965 and categorized in 1 year ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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