Honored by FAI - the Federation Aeronautique Internationale, were two Test pilots Al Averill and Lou Hartwig for setting of eight records with Bell Model-47 Helicopters early in 1961. 

In photo, Lou Hartwig accepts FAI Award from Jacques Allez, President of FAI.

AHS' (now VFS) 17th Annual National Forum held May 3-5, 1961 at Washington, D.C. USA

FAI Award to Test Pilot Lou Hartwig


Honored by FAI - the Federation Aeronautique Internationale, were two Test pilots Al Averill and Lou Hartwig for setting of eight records with Bell Model-47 Helicopters early in 1961.

In photo, Lou Hartwig accepts FAI Award from Jacques Allez, President of FAI.

AHS' (now VFS) 17th Annual National Forum held May 3-5, 1961 at Washington, D.C. USA

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Added to Forum 17 Awards - 1961 and categorized in 1 year ago


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