"Fire retardant effectiveness collectors," such as the one in this photo, were arranged in a measuring grid to determine the effectiveness of fire retardant delivery. The test grid contained 1600 cups covering an area 2000 ft by 400 ft. The cups collected the fire retardant liquid to provide quantitative and qualitative data. From Vertiflite, May/June 1974 (page 11).

Fire Retardant Effectiveness Collector Sept 27 1973


"Fire retardant effectiveness collectors," such as the one in this photo, were arranged in a measuring grid to determine the effectiveness of fire retardant delivery. The test grid contained 1600 cups covering an area 2000 ft by 400 ft. The cups collected the fire retardant liquid to provide quantitative and qualitative data. From Vertiflite, May/June 1974 (page 11).

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