AHS Arizona Chapter representatives Jo Anne Baker (AZ Chapter University Liaison) and Ron Alto (AHS STEM/Workplace Advocacy Executive), along with two high school volunteers, hosted the AHS booth at the Mesa SciTech Expo at Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona. Westwood High School is one of the larger premiere science and technology high schools in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
The team showcased the Boeing Apache software program on an interactive touchscreen PC, demonstrated gyroscopic precession on a gyro chair set up, and helped the attendees assemble and fly the rubber band helicopters. The attendance was estimated to be over 6,000 parents and children.

AHS at 2018 Mesa SciTech Expo


AHS Arizona Chapter representatives Jo Anne Baker (AZ Chapter University Liaison) and Ron Alto (AHS STEM/Workplace Advocacy Executive), along with two high school volunteers, hosted the AHS booth at the Mesa SciTech Expo at Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona. Westwood High School is one of the larger premiere science and technology high schools in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
The team showcased the Boeing Apache software program on an interactive touchscreen PC, demonstrated gyroscopic precession on a gyro chair set up, and helped the attendees assemble and fly the rubber band helicopters. The attendance was estimated to be over 6,000 parents and children.


Added to Arizona Chapter STEM Outr... and categorized in 6 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


samsung SM-G935P 1/30s ƒ/1.7 ISO160 4.2mm — More Exif data

  • Manufacturer samsung
  • Model SM-G935P
  • Exposure Time 1/30s
  • Aperture ƒ/1.7
  • ISO 160
  • Focal Length 4.2mm
  • Resolution Unit inches
  • Color Space sRGB
  • Orientation Horizontal (normal)
  • Sensing Method One-chip color area
  • Scene Capture Type Standard
  • Exposure Program Program AE
  • Exposure Mode Auto
  • Metering Mode Center-weighted average
  • Light Source Unknown
  • Flash No Flash
  • White Balance Auto

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