AHS Honorary Fellowship award presented to C.W. Moore by Ralph Alex at Annual Forum 17 Awards, 1961.

Forum 17, May 3-5, 1961, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Source: Vertiflite (AHS Newsletter) July 1961 (Vol.7 No.7)

Honorary Fellowship awarded to C.W. Moore at Forum 17, 1961 Awards


AHS Honorary Fellowship award presented to C.W. Moore by Ralph Alex at Annual Forum 17 Awards, 1961.

Forum 17, May 3-5, 1961, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Source: Vertiflite (AHS Newsletter) July 1961 (Vol.7 No.7)

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Added to 17th Forum Awards 1961 and categorized in 5 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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