Tomasz Krysinski, VP Research & Innovation, Airbus Helicopters provides an update on the company's research and development efforts, as well as a vision of the Future of Vertical Flight, as part of the Forum 74 Opening General Session CEO Panel, "Straight Talk from the Top." VFS photo by Kenneth Krehbiel, May 15, 2018. CC BY-SA 3.0

Tomasz Krysinski (Airbus) at the Forum 74 CEO Panel


Tomasz Krysinski, VP Research & Innovation, Airbus Helicopters provides an update on the company's research and development efforts, as well as a vision of the Future of Vertical Flight, as part of the Forum 74 Opening General Session CEO Panel, "Straight Talk from the Top." VFS photo by Kenneth Krehbiel, May 15, 2018. CC BY-SA 3.0


Added to Forum 74 Opening General... and categorized in 6 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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