Honorary Fellowship awarded to David Weller, Director of the Advanced Systems Directorate, US Army Aviation and Millile Command; and Roger Krone, Vice President, Special Projects, Boeing Company, at Forum 58 Awards, 2002, for their significant contributions towards furthering the goals of the AHS International.
Forum 58, June 11-13, 2002, Montréal, Québec Canada

Honorary Fellowship awarded to David Weller and Roger Krone at Forum 58 Awards, 2002


Honorary Fellowship awarded to David Weller, Director of the Advanced Systems Directorate, US Army Aviation and Millile Command; and Roger Krone, Vice President, Special Projects, Boeing Company, at Forum 58 Awards, 2002, for their significant contributions towards furthering the goals of the AHS International.
Forum 58, June 11-13, 2002, Montréal, Québec Canada


Added to Forum 58 Awards 2002 and categorized in 6 years ago


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