Harry T. Jensen Award 2008, at annual Forum 64 awarded to a team consisting of Appareo Systems, LLC and the Bristow Group.  The team has jointly developed a safety program called ALERTS which is a proactive approach to helicopter accident prevention.  Accepting this prestigious award from Mr. Dunford was Dave Batcheller of Appareo Systems and Mike Suldo, Vice President of Bristow  group Western Division and President of Air Logistics.

Forum 64, April 29-May 1, 2008, Montréal, Québec Canada

Jensen Award to ALERTS/Appareo Systems and Bristow Group at Forum 64, 2008


Harry T. Jensen Award 2008, at annual Forum 64 awarded to a team consisting of Appareo Systems, LLC and the Bristow Group. The team has jointly developed a safety program called ALERTS which is a proactive approach to helicopter accident prevention. Accepting this prestigious award from Mr. Dunford was Dave Batcheller of Appareo Systems and Mike Suldo, Vice President of Bristow group Western Division and President of Air Logistics.

Forum 64, April 29-May 1, 2008, Montréal, Québec Canada


Added to Forum 64 Awards 2008 and categorized in 6 years ago


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