NASA Robert L. Lichten Internship Award at annual Forum 65, 2009 awarded to Mr. Stanton Sollenberger for his paper,"Effect of Stress Concentration in Flexible Matrix Composite Driveshafts."  Mr. Stanton Sollenberger, a Bell Helicopter Fellow and a candidate for a Master's degree in engineering mechanics at Penn State University.  Susan A. Gorton, NASA Langley Research Center (left) and Charles W. Hughes, Jr., AHS Technical Director congratulate Mr. Stanton Sollenberger on this achievement.

Forum 65, May 27-29, 2009, Grapevine, Texas USA

NASA Robert L. Lichten Internship Award, 2009 at Forum 65 to Mr. Stanton Sollenberger


NASA Robert L. Lichten Internship Award at annual Forum 65, 2009 awarded to Mr. Stanton Sollenberger for his paper,"Effect of Stress Concentration in Flexible Matrix Composite Driveshafts." Mr. Stanton Sollenberger, a Bell Helicopter Fellow and a candidate for a Master's degree in engineering mechanics at Penn State University. Susan A. Gorton, NASA Langley Research Center (left) and Charles W. Hughes, Jr., AHS Technical Director congratulate Mr. Stanton Sollenberger on this achievement.

Forum 65, May 27-29, 2009, Grapevine, Texas USA


Added to Forum 65 Awards 2009 and categorized in 6 years ago


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Canon Canon EOS 20D 1/60s ƒ/4 ISO400 28mm — More Exif data

  • Manufacturer Canon
  • Model Canon EOS 20D
  • Exposure Time 1/60s
  • Aperture ƒ/4
  • ISO 400
  • Focal Length 28mm
  • Resolution Unit inches
  • Orientation Horizontal (normal)
  • Exposure Program Program AE
  • Metering Mode Multi-segment
  • Flash On, Fired

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