The John J. Schneider Historical Achievement Award at the Annual Forum 60 awards was presented to the first winner, Eugene K. Liberatore.  Daniel I. Newmann (left), Boeing Helicopter Co., accepts the award on Mr. Liberatore's behalf.  John's granddaughter, Julie Britt, and his daughter, Donna Bridges, joined in the award celebration.

Forum 60, June 7-10, 2004, Baltimore, Maryland USA

Schneider Award 2004 at Forum 60 to first recipient - Eugene K. Liberatore


The John J. Schneider Historical Achievement Award at the Annual Forum 60 awards was presented to the first winner, Eugene K. Liberatore. Daniel I. Newmann (left), Boeing Helicopter Co., accepts the award on Mr. Liberatore's behalf. John's granddaughter, Julie Britt, and his daughter, Donna Bridges, joined in the award celebration.

Forum 60, June 7-10, 2004, Baltimore, Maryland USA


Added to Forum 60 Awards 2004 and categorized in 6 years ago


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