Honorary Fellowships at annual Forum 60 Awards, 2004 presented to Dr. Tomoari Nagashima (right), Professor Emeritus, National Defense Academy, and Cecil Richardson (center), Lockheed Martin Corporation (Ret.), by Dr. Robert G. Loewy (left), Society Chairman.

Forum 60, June 7-10, 2004, Baltimore, Maryland USA

Honorary Fellowships at Forum 60, 2004 winners Dr. Tomoari Nagashima and Cecil Richardson


Honorary Fellowships at annual Forum 60 Awards, 2004 presented to Dr. Tomoari Nagashima (right), Professor Emeritus, National Defense Academy, and Cecil Richardson (center), Lockheed Martin Corporation (Ret.), by Dr. Robert G. Loewy (left), Society Chairman.

Forum 60, June 7-10, 2004, Baltimore, Maryland USA


Added to Forum 60 Awards 2004 and categorized in 6 years ago


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