The full propulsion system of the first production CH-53K King Stallion at ILA Berlin 2018. VFS photo by Ian Frain, April 25, 2018. CC BY-SA 4.0
Added to CH-53 King Stallion at IL... and categorized in Aircraft/Overviews — 6 years ago
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
Apple iPhone 7 1/2398s ƒ/1.8 ISO20 3.99mm — More Exif data
- Manufacturer Apple
- Model iPhone 7
- Exposure Time 1/2398s
- Aperture ƒ/1.8
- ISO 20
- Focal Length 3.99mm
- Resolution Unit inches
- Color Space Uncalibrated
- Sensing Method One-chip color area
- Scene Capture Type Standard
- Exposure Program Program AE
- Exposure Mode Auto
- Metering Mode Multi-segment
- Flash Auto, Did not fire
- White Balance Auto