Howard Hughes Award, 1978, Forum 34, was presented to John F. Ward, NASA Headquarters, for his original research on the effects of tip vortices on rotor loads, vibration, and acoustics, and contributions to the rotor blade tip vortex studies, and his continued devotion and leadership which made possible the design, fabrication,
and successful flight testing of the OGEE tip.

At Forum 34, 1978, Hughes award to John F. Ward


Howard Hughes Award, 1978, Forum 34, was presented to John F. Ward, NASA Headquarters, for his original research on the effects of tip vortices on rotor loads, vibration, and acoustics, and contributions to the rotor blade tip vortex studies, and his continued devotion and leadership which made possible the design, fabrication,
and successful flight testing of the OGEE tip.


Added to Forum 34 Awards and categorized in 6 years ago


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