Igor I. Sikorsky International Trophy this year got two awardees at Forum 53, 1997.  First is Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., the designer and manufacturer of the Bell 430 helicopter for the flight piloted by Ron Bower and John Williams which established a new, around-the-world record for helicopters.  George T. Singley, III and Gary Rast Present the Certificates to Webb F. joiner, John Williams and Ron Bower.

Forum 53, April 29-May 1, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA

Sikorsky International Trophy to Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. at Forum 53, 1997


Igor I. Sikorsky International Trophy this year got two awardees at Forum 53, 1997. First is Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., the designer and manufacturer of the Bell 430 helicopter for the flight piloted by Ron Bower and John Williams which established a new, around-the-world record for helicopters. George T. Singley, III and Gary Rast Present the Certificates to Webb F. joiner, John Williams and Ron Bower.

Forum 53, April 29-May 1, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA


Added to Forum 53 Awards 1997 and categorized in 6 years ago


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