The Robert L. Pinckney Award at Forum 53, 1997, presented by Gary Rast (left) and George T. Singley, III to the winner V-22 Airframe Integrated Product Team, represented by Dave Snyder, Technical Director for the Bell-Boeing Joint Program Office.

Forum 53, April 29-May 1, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA

Pinckney Award 1997 at Forum 53 awarded to V-22 Airframe Integrated Product Team


The Robert L. Pinckney Award at Forum 53, 1997, presented by Gary Rast (left) and George T. Singley, III to the winner V-22 Airframe Integrated Product Team, represented by Dave Snyder, Technical Director for the Bell-Boeing Joint Program Office.

Forum 53, April 29-May 1, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA


Added to Forum 53 Awards 1997 and categorized in 6 years ago


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