The Sikorsky YCH-53E flies with a payload of over 16 tons, and at a gross weight of 70,000 lb. Slung from the cargo hook is a 15-ton load of lead. An additional ton was carried internally. The company said the gross weight was the highest ever achieved in the Western World.

From Vertiflite, September/October 1974 (page 11).

Sikorsky YCH-53E flying at very high gross weight


The Sikorsky YCH-53E flies with a payload of over 16 tons, and at a gross weight of 70,000 lb. Slung from the cargo hook is a 15-ton load of lead. An additional ton was carried internally. The company said the gross weight was the highest ever achieved in the Western World.

From Vertiflite, September/October 1974 (page 11).

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