The Grover E. Bell Award presented to the Rotorcraft Pilot's Associate Team comprised of the US Army, Bowing Mesa, Lockheed Martin Federal Systems, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories, Applied Systems Intelligence and Honeywell. 

The chairman of the Society, Dean Borgman, congratulated the Team for their successful development and demonstration of the world's first cognitive decision aiding system for  combat helicopters.

In photo, from right to left, Dean Borgman, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp, Col. Waldo Carmona, US Army, Lt. Col. George Dimitrov, US Army, Lisa Harrison, US Army, Lee Daniel, The Boeing co., Rich Kupfere, The Boeing Co., Chris Bodenhorn, Lockheed Martin, and Steve Ramsey, Lockheed Martin Aerospace Systems.

Forum 56, May 2-4, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA

Grover Bell Award to Rotorcraft Pilot's Associate Team at Forum 56, 2000


The Grover E. Bell Award presented to the Rotorcraft Pilot's Associate Team comprised of the US Army, Bowing Mesa, Lockheed Martin Federal Systems, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories, Applied Systems Intelligence and Honeywell.

The chairman of the Society, Dean Borgman, congratulated the Team for their successful development and demonstration of the world's first cognitive decision aiding system for combat helicopters.

In photo, from right to left, Dean Borgman, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp, Col. Waldo Carmona, US Army, Lt. Col. George Dimitrov, US Army, Lisa Harrison, US Army, Lee Daniel, The Boeing co., Rich Kupfere, The Boeing Co., Chris Bodenhorn, Lockheed Martin, and Steve Ramsey, Lockheed Martin Aerospace Systems.

Forum 56, May 2-4, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA


Added to Forum 56 Awards 2000 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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