Honorary Fellowship in the Society awarded to Jean Ross Howard (right) at the Forum. Charles Seibel congratulates Jean Ross Howard on her Fellowship award as Harry Lounsburry, AHS Executive Secretary, looks on.

VFS' (formerly AHS) Annual 13th Forum & Technology Display, May 8-11, 1957, Washington, D. C., USA

Source: Vertiflite (AHS Newsletter) May 1957 (Vol.3, No.5)

HonFellowship RossHoward Forum13 May1957


Honorary Fellowship in the Society awarded to Jean Ross Howard (right) at the Forum. Charles Seibel congratulates Jean Ross Howard on her Fellowship award as Harry Lounsburry, AHS Executive Secretary, looks on.

VFS' (formerly AHS) Annual 13th Forum & Technology Display, May 8-11, 1957, Washington, D. C., USA

Source: Vertiflite (AHS Newsletter) May 1957 (Vol.3, No.5)

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Added to Forum 13 Awards, 1957 and categorized in 3 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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