THE OLD WAY. Before the helicopter was used on power line construction in Puerto Rico, here's how trucks towed poles into remote, mountainous regions. Special roads had to be cut and rights of way obtained. When the terrain became so rough that the trucks could proceed no further, 60-man crews took over and laboriously carried and dragged the poles the remaining distance to the construction sites.

Before the helicopter was used, trucks towed poles into remote, mountainous regions


THE OLD WAY. Before the helicopter was used on power line construction in Puerto Rico, here's how trucks towed poles into remote, mountainous regions. Special roads had to be cut and rights of way obtained. When the terrain became so rough that the trucks could proceed no further, 60-man crews took over and laboriously carried and dragged the poles the remaining distance to the construction sites.


Added to Historical Records - Siko... and categorized in 4 years ago

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