Gwen Lighter, CEO, GoFly

The 2020 Haueter Award presented to Gwen Lighter, the CEO of GoFly at VFS Annual Forum 76, October 5-8, 2020 (Virtual). Over the past five years, Lighter has been a “force of nature” — formulating and inspiring others with her vision of personal flying devices, securing over $2M in sponsorships, and launching an international competition that drew 3,800 innovators participating on 854 teams (100+ university teams) from 103 countries on six continents.

Gwen Lighter - Winner of Paul E. Haueter Award at VFS Annual Forum 76, 2020 (Virtual)


Gwen Lighter, CEO, GoFly

The 2020 Haueter Award presented to Gwen Lighter, the CEO of GoFly at VFS Annual Forum 76, October 5-8, 2020 (Virtual). Over the past five years, Lighter has been a “force of nature” — formulating and inspiring others with her vision of personal flying devices, securing over $2M in sponsorships, and launching an international competition that drew 3,800 innovators participating on 854 teams (100+ university teams) from 103 countries on six continents.


Added to Forum 76 Awards 2020 and categorized in 3 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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