The Airial Robotics GT100 Gyrotrack commercial UAS was displayed at European Rotors 2021. The 100 kg MTOW electric GT100 Gyrotrack was designed for a payload of 62 kg and a flight time of 42 minutes. A hybrid GT100H would be capable of 45 kg payload but have an 8 hour flight time, while a hybrid GT200H would have a 200 kg MTOW, a 90 kg payload and a 6 hour endurance. The rotor system autorotates in cruise flight, powered by the twin tractor propellers. (VFS photo Nov. 18, 2021. CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Airial Robotics GT100 at European Rotors 2021


The Airial Robotics GT100 Gyrotrack commercial UAS was displayed at European Rotors 2021. The 100 kg MTOW electric GT100 Gyrotrack was designed for a payload of 62 kg and a flight time of 42 minutes. A hybrid GT100H would be capable of 45 kg payload but have an 8 hour flight time, while a hybrid GT200H would have a 200 kg MTOW, a 90 kg payload and a 6 hour endurance. The rotor system autorotates in cruise flight, powered by the twin tractor propellers. (VFS photo Nov. 18, 2021. CC-BY-SA 4.0)


Added to European Rotors 2021 and categorized in 3 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


samsung SM-N986U1 1/119s ƒ/1.8 ISO200 7mm — More Exif data

  • Manufacturer samsung
  • Model SM-N986U1
  • Exposure Time 1/119s
  • Aperture ƒ/1.8
  • ISO 200
  • Focal Length 7mm
  • Resolution Unit inches
  • Color Space sRGB
  • Orientation Horizontal (normal)
  • Scene Capture Type Standard
  • Exposure Program Program AE
  • Exposure Mode Auto
  • Metering Mode Center-weighted average
  • Flash No Flash
  • White Balance Auto

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