An Arizona Helicopters Bell 212 being loaded for a trans-Pacific hop. In the foreground are AHI President Robert M. Wachs, left, and Vice President Jerry Shields. It will be sent to Borneo where five helicopters were needed to support oil exploration, all other means of transportation being ruled out due to its terrain.

From Vertiflite, March/April 1975

Bell 212 loaded into Korean Airlines


An Arizona Helicopters Bell 212 being loaded for a trans-Pacific hop. In the foreground are AHI President Robert M. Wachs, left, and Vice President Jerry Shields. It will be sent to Borneo where five helicopters were needed to support oil exploration, all other means of transportation being ruled out due to its terrain.

From Vertiflite, March/April 1975

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Added to Vertiflite Images and categorized in 7 years ago


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