Ms. Susan Gorton, the NASA Rotary Wing Project Manager, with Phil Dunford at AHS annual Forum 68, 2012 awards ceremony. As AHS International Technical Director, she will serve as the VFF chair for two years and as an ex officio member of the AHS Technical Council.

Forum 68, May 1-3, 2012, Fort Worth, Texas USA

AHS International Technical Director Susan Gorton at Forum 68, 2012


Ms. Susan Gorton, the NASA Rotary Wing Project Manager, with Phil Dunford at AHS annual Forum 68, 2012 awards ceremony. As AHS International Technical Director, she will serve as the VFF chair for two years and as an ex officio member of the AHS Technical Council.

Forum 68, May 1-3, 2012, Fort Worth, Texas USA


Added to Forum 68 Awards and categorized in 6 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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