John A. Islin served as the second head of the American Helicopter Society, from  August 1975 to October 1977. Mr. Islin moved AHS headquarters from New York City to Washington, D.C.  He expanded membership by 20% and added the word “International” to AHS, before taking a management position at Sikorsky’s then-new West Palm Beach facility. 
Mr. Islin is an Emeritus AHS member (joined in 1962) and currently affiliated with the South Florida Chapter. 
From Vertiflite, July/August 1975.

John "Jack" A. Islin, June 1975


John A. Islin served as the second head of the American Helicopter Society, from August 1975 to October 1977. Mr. Islin moved AHS headquarters from New York City to Washington, D.C. He expanded membership by 20% and added the word “International” to AHS, before taking a management position at Sikorsky’s then-new West Palm Beach facility.
Mr. Islin is an Emeritus AHS member (joined in 1962) and currently affiliated with the South Florida Chapter.
From Vertiflite, July/August 1975.

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