Bill Paul, whose work in component design is well known, views a different rotor head on Ernie Huber's R-C JetRanger. In the background are AHS president Gerald J. Tobias (pointing), Mrs. Tobias, N.E. Region V.P. A.J. Landgrebe, and International V.P. Ralph P. Alex.

From Vertiflite, November/December 1975.

AHS North East Chapter Annual Outing, Bill Paul


Bill Paul, whose work in component design is well known, views a different rotor head on Ernie Huber's R-C JetRanger. In the background are AHS president Gerald J. Tobias (pointing), Mrs. Tobias, N.E. Region V.P. A.J. Landgrebe, and International V.P. Ralph P. Alex.

From Vertiflite, November/December 1975.

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