Presidential transport modified by Bell Helicopter to include all-metal rotor blades, special arm and foot rests to the right seat, and a frame-less, Plexiglas nose bubble heavily tinted to reduce glare and heat. The President's personal helicopter pilot flew the aircraft from the center seat and a Secret Service agent occupied the left seat. An identical Bell H-13J usually accompanied the President's helicopter. This aircraft carried his physician and another Secret Service agent. Photo courtesy of Roger Connor, Smithsonian Institute. Source:

Bell H-13J


Presidential transport modified by Bell Helicopter to include all-metal rotor blades, special arm and foot rests to the right seat, and a frame-less, Plexiglas nose bubble heavily tinted to reduce glare and heat. The President's personal helicopter pilot flew the aircraft from the center seat and a Secret Service agent occupied the left seat. An identical Bell H-13J usually accompanied the President's helicopter. This aircraft carried his physician and another Secret Service agent. Photo courtesy of Roger Connor, Smithsonian Institute. Source:

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