Built by the Gyrodyne Corporation of America, the "Rotorcycle" series of coaxial helicopters were developed for potential use by the US Navy. Intended to be deployed aboard Navy destroyers, the Rotorcycles were designed to carry a single torpedo and to operate as unmanned drones. In this image, a GCA-41B (US Navy designation XRON-1) is being tested at the company's St. James, NY location. The pilot is James V. Ryan of Smithtown. From AHS Newsletter, November 1961 (page 8).

Gyrodyne XRON-1 Rotorcycle


Built by the Gyrodyne Corporation of America, the "Rotorcycle" series of coaxial helicopters were developed for potential use by the US Navy. Intended to be deployed aboard Navy destroyers, the Rotorcycles were designed to carry a single torpedo and to operate as unmanned drones. In this image, a GCA-41B (US Navy designation XRON-1) is being tested at the company's St. James, NY location. The pilot is James V. Ryan of Smithtown. From AHS Newsletter, November 1961 (page 8).

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