Leaders of the US Army Program Executive Office (PEO) for Aviation gave updates of their programs at Forum 73, on Wednesday, May 10, as part of the Special Session "US Army Aviation Program Manager Briefings". Moderated by Mr. Lars Ericsson, US Army, Assistant PEO for Engineering and Technology, the panel included COL Joseph Hoecherl, PM, Apache Attack Helicopter; Mr. Arturo Medellin, Tech Chief, Aviation Systems; Mr. Thomas Neupert, Tech Chief, Cargo Helicopter; Mr. Robert Sheibley, PM, Improved Turbine Engine/Future Vertical Lift (FVL); Mr. Dennis Sparks, Tech Chief, Unmanned Aircraft Systems; and Mr. Steven Kelley, Tech Chief, Utility Helicopters. (AHS photo by C. Sundiata Cowels)

US Army Aviation Program Managers Panel


Leaders of the US Army Program Executive Office (PEO) for Aviation gave updates of their programs at Forum 73, on Wednesday, May 10, as part of the Special Session "US Army Aviation Program Manager Briefings". Moderated by Mr. Lars Ericsson, US Army, Assistant PEO for Engineering and Technology, the panel included COL Joseph Hoecherl, PM, Apache Attack Helicopter; Mr. Arturo Medellin, Tech Chief, Aviation Systems; Mr. Thomas Neupert, Tech Chief, Cargo Helicopter; Mr. Robert Sheibley, PM, Improved Turbine Engine/Future Vertical Lift (FVL); Mr. Dennis Sparks, Tech Chief, Unmanned Aircraft Systems; and Mr. Steven Kelley, Tech Chief, Utility Helicopters. (AHS photo by C. Sundiata Cowels)


Added to Forum 73 Sessions and categorized in 7 years ago

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