The Grover E. Bell Award was presented to the The Boeing/Vertol Model 347 Team for developing new standards in helicopter flying qualities, vibration and noise. In photo, Charles Ellis, right, of Boeing's Vertol Div., and Atkins, with the second Bell Award Certificate.

AHS' (now VFS) 28th Annual National Forum and Trade Exhibit held May 17-19, 1972 at Washington, D.C., USA

Bell Award to the Boeing/Vertol Model 347 Team


The Grover E. Bell Award was presented to the The Boeing/Vertol Model 347 Team for developing new standards in helicopter flying qualities, vibration and noise. In photo, Charles Ellis, right, of Boeing's Vertol Div., and Atkins, with the second Bell Award Certificate.

AHS' (now VFS) 28th Annual National Forum and Trade Exhibit held May 17-19, 1972 at Washington, D.C., USA

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Added to Forum 28, 1972 and categorized in 1 year ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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