In 1951, the American Helicopter Society established the  Dr. Alexander Klemin Award to honor outstanding achievements in rotary-wing aeronautics. The first recipient of the award was Igor I. Sikorsky, and subsequent winners have included the great names of the helicopter industry, including this year's honoree, Charles H. Kaman. In photo, R. Allen Price, Chairman of the AHS Awards Committee in 1951, presents Mr. Sikorsky with the first Klemin Award.

The First Klemin Award 1951 - a look back in 1981, Forum 37


In 1951, the American Helicopter Society established the Dr. Alexander Klemin Award to honor outstanding achievements in rotary-wing aeronautics. The first recipient of the award was Igor I. Sikorsky, and subsequent winners have included the great names of the helicopter industry, including this year's honoree, Charles H. Kaman. In photo, R. Allen Price, Chairman of the AHS Awards Committee in 1951, presents Mr. Sikorsky with the first Klemin Award.

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Added to Forum 37 Awards, 1981 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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