AHS Board Chairman William J. Crawford presented four AHS Fellowships at the Luncheon. Honored were Peter Wright (left), Keystone Helicopter; Motoi Yoshiwaka, of Airlift, in Japan; MG Ronald K. Anderson, US Army; and Peter J. Arcidiacono, Sikorsky Aircraft.

AHS (now VFS) 45th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 22-24, 1989 at Boston, Massachusetts, USA

AHS Fellowship to Peter Wright


AHS Board Chairman William J. Crawford presented four AHS Fellowships at the Luncheon. Honored were Peter Wright (left), Keystone Helicopter; Motoi Yoshiwaka, of Airlift, in Japan; MG Ronald K. Anderson, US Army; and Peter J. Arcidiacono, Sikorsky Aircraft.

AHS (now VFS) 45th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 22-24, 1989 at Boston, Massachusetts, USA

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Added to Forum 45, 1989 and categorized in 2 years ago


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