AHS Board Chairman William J. Crawford presented four AHS Fellowships at the Luncheon. Honored were Motoi Yoshiwaka (left), of Airlift, in Japan; MG Ronald K. Anderson, US Army; Peter J. Arcidiacono, Sikorsky Aircraft; and Peter Wright, Keystone Helicopter.

AHS (now VFS) 45th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 22-24, 1989 at Boston, Massachusetts, USA

AHS Fellowship to Motoi Yoshiwaka


AHS Board Chairman William J. Crawford presented four AHS Fellowships at the Luncheon. Honored were Motoi Yoshiwaka (left), of Airlift, in Japan; MG Ronald K. Anderson, US Army; Peter J. Arcidiacono, Sikorsky Aircraft; and Peter Wright, Keystone Helicopter.

AHS (now VFS) 45th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 22-24, 1989 at Boston, Massachusetts, USA

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Added to Forum 45, 1989 and categorized in 2 years ago


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