Alexander A. Nikolsky Honorary Lectureship awarded to Dr. Robin B. Gray of Georgia Tech. The Nikolsky Lecturer medallion was presented by Larry Jenkins (right) and Tom Gunn.

American Helicopter Society's (now Vertical Flight Society) 47th Annual Forum and Technology Display at Phoenix, Arizona, May 6-8, 1991.

Nikolsky Lectureship to Robin B. Gray


Alexander A. Nikolsky Honorary Lectureship awarded to Dr. Robin B. Gray of Georgia Tech. The Nikolsky Lecturer medallion was presented by Larry Jenkins (right) and Tom Gunn.

American Helicopter Society's (now Vertical Flight Society) 47th Annual Forum and Technology Display at Phoenix, Arizona, May 6-8, 1991.

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Added to Forum 47, 1991 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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