William Walls (left) presents the Socie­ty's Alexander A. Nikolsky Honorary Lectureship Award to Professor Rene Miller. The Nikolsky Lectureship honors individuals who reflect the highest ideals, goals and achievements in the field of VTOL aircraft engineer­ing and development. Miller was selected in recognition of his outstanding career as a rotorcraft engineer and teacher at Princeton University. The ti­tle of his lecture was, "Potential Impact of Technology on VTOL Utilization." 

AHS' (now VFS) 39th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 9-11, 1983 at St. Louise, Missouri, USA

The Third Nikolsky Lectureship Award Winner - Rene H. Miller


William Walls (left) presents the Socie­ty's Alexander A. Nikolsky Honorary Lectureship Award to Professor Rene Miller. The Nikolsky Lectureship honors individuals who reflect the highest ideals, goals and achievements in the field of VTOL aircraft engineer­ing and development. Miller was selected in recognition of his outstanding career as a rotorcraft engineer and teacher at Princeton University. The ti­tle of his lecture was, "Potential Impact of Technology on VTOL Utilization."

AHS' (now VFS) 39th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 9-11, 1983 at St. Louise, Missouri, USA

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Added to Forum 39, 1983 and categorized in 1 year ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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