The Harry T. Jensen Award 1994 presented to U.S. Army Aviation Technical Test Center, particularly onits accomplishments with its "Lead the Fleet" program. Accepting the award were Col. Joseph Bergantz and Michael McFalls. Edward Renouard, left and Thomas Snyder (right) are congratulating them.

American Helicopter Society's 50th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 11-13, May 1994 at Washington D.C.

Jensen Award to US Army Aviation Technical Test Center


The Harry T. Jensen Award 1994 presented to U.S. Army Aviation Technical Test Center, particularly onits accomplishments with its "Lead the Fleet" program. Accepting the award were Col. Joseph Bergantz and Michael McFalls. Edward Renouard, left and Thomas Snyder (right) are congratulating them.

American Helicopter Society's 50th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 11-13, May 1994 at Washington D.C.

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Added to Forum 50, 1994 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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