The Robert L. Lichten Award 1994 presented to Jeffrey T. Everham of Boeing Defense & Space Group for his winning paper, "Acoustic Noise Suppression for Helicopter Communication Systems" at Forum 50 awards ceremony. In photo - Jeff accepts the award from Thomas Snyder while then AHS Technical Director John Shaw looks on.

American Helicopter Society's 50th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 11-13, May 1994 at Washington D.C.

Lichten Award to Jeff Everham


The Robert L. Lichten Award 1994 presented to Jeffrey T. Everham of Boeing Defense & Space Group for his winning paper, "Acoustic Noise Suppression for Helicopter Communication Systems" at Forum 50 awards ceremony. In photo - Jeff accepts the award from Thomas Snyder while then AHS Technical Director John Shaw looks on.

American Helicopter Society's 50th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 11-13, May 1994 at Washington D.C.

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Added to Forum 50, 1994 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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