AHS Fellow awards presented to four recipients this year. In photo Society's then chairman, Edward Renouard and incoming chairman Thomas Snyder flank award recipients (from left to right) Marat Tischenko, Mil Moscow; Nicholas Loppos, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.; Dr. Wesley Harris, NASA and Troy Gaffey, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.

American Helicopter Society's 50th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 11-13, May 1994 at Washington D.C.

AHS Fellows at 50th Forum Award Ceremony


AHS Fellow awards presented to four recipients this year. In photo Society's then chairman, Edward Renouard and incoming chairman Thomas Snyder flank award recipients (from left to right) Marat Tischenko, Mil Moscow; Nicholas Loppos, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.; Dr. Wesley Harris, NASA and Troy Gaffey, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.

American Helicopter Society's 50th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 11-13, May 1994 at Washington D.C.

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Added to Forum 50, 1994 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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